Hello, It's Me

Gent Muriqi

And I'm a

This is my official portfolio website to showcase all my work related to web development, UI/UX design,
and online marketing.

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About Me

Web Developer!

I am a tech-passionate Full Stack Web Developer who is proficient in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React, and Node.js. I am skilled in building responsive websites and robust server-side applications. Additionally, I am confident with different tools and technologies such as GitHub, Canva, Figma, Wix, Jira, and Linux. I possess knowledge and experience in design, digital marketing, Google Business, Google Ads, social media management, content creation, copyrighting, video editing, affiliate marketing, and various AI tools. My strong problem-solving and task management abilities stem from previous experience in electronics installations, including solar panel energy management devices, electric car charging, and smart home technologies.

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Our Services

Web Development

Welcome to our website service! We specialize in crafting stunning and functional websites tailored to your needs. From sleek portfolios to dynamic e-commerce platforms, we bring your vision to life with expertise and creativity. Let us elevate your online presence and help you stand out in the digital world.

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Graphic Design

We offer a wide range of design solutions including website design, logo creation, flyer design, CV formatting, and more. With our expertise and creativity, we tailor each project to your unique needs, ensuring a professional and impactful result. Let us elevate your brand across all platforms with our design services.

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Digital Marketing

We specialize in online marketing solutions tailored to your business needs. From social media management to search engine optimization (SEO), we help you reach your target audience and maximize your online presence. Let us boost your brand's visibility and drive results through strategic online marketing campaigns.

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Latest Project

Javascript Website

Introducing our House Clearance Service website, where we make decluttering effortless and stress-free! Designed with the perfect blend of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, our user-friendly platform offers a seamless experience for clients seeking to clear their spaces with ease.

React eCommerce

Sweet Click is our teams ReactJS and MongoDB powered website project, dedicated to cakes. With Tailwind CSS for sleek design, it is a seamless front and back-end Team collaboration offering a delightful browsing and ordering experience for cake enthusiasts.

React.js Blog

Welcome to Travelers Tales, where every journey is a story waiting to be told! Powered by the seamless integration of React app technology and the robust backend support of Firebase, we bring you a user-friendly platform to explore, share, and discover the wonders of travel. (team work)

Wix Website

Welcome to GBay, where I've transformed my passion for sustainability into a thriving business idea. With Wix, I've created a sleek platform offering eco-friendly phone cases.

Wix Website

I created and designed this website using Wix, but I also used some HTML codes. For example, I added the WhatsApp button. The website is about a solar panel company.

HTML/CSS Website

This is my first static website that I created when I started learning. I made it using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. The website is called 'Caffee-Paste' and serves as both a café shop and a blog.

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